Alumni Talk
Are post-pandemic situations a boon for engineers

The Alumni Association of New Horizon College of Engineering organized “ALUMNI talk 2023”- a programme to motivate and Inspire students of the 4th semester in the civil Department on 8th August 2023 by Mr. Surya Ranjan(Practice Lead HCL). The alumni meet is to reconnect with the Alumni, celebrate their success, and motivate them to various paths. The Alumni meeting started at 2.30 p.m with a welcome address by the alumni club Coordinator. The meeting was graced by Dr P.S Niranjan (Head of Department) and Alumni In charge Ms Swetti jha (Sr. Asst Professor).
Alumni also interacted with the students and gave motivational talks regarding preparing for higher studies and placements. Students asked many questions regarding placements and the alumni shared their views. A vote of thanks was given by the class representative, the alumni club Coordinator and he thanked to the various organizers of the event. He also thanked the management of New Horizon College of Engineering for the support and guidance which has made Alumni Talk 2023 a grandsuccess.