Krishna Reddy H

We are very happy with the faculty members and the education provided by NHCE, PTA meetings conducted every semester helps us to know more about my daughters academic performance, All amenities are available within the campus

K C Hareesh

Faculty –parent interaction is appreciable, College keeps us updated about the student performance

T.N Haresh Gowda

Good atmosphere for studies, Ample opportunities for co-curricular activities

R . Ventkatesha Reddy

The college has improved very much over the last few years. It conducts so many activities for the students, Our son has improved his managerial skill.

Shivananda k

College has maintained a very good relation with parents. They have continually upgraded us about the performance of the student.

Venugopal B.S

The college is not only teaching academics. Institution is developing a student overall like sports communication skills etc. And need to take care of student individually and check their skill development.

Chandrashekar . K

In your college they will give all the information time to time. In college all the faculty’s are experts, because of that my daughter helpful . i am thanking you for your institution.


New Horizon college provides good opportunity for students to excel in both academic and co-curricular activities. Support provided by all faculties in appreciable, continues care taken by staff towards students in extraordinary.

Subramani V

New Horizon College of Engineering providing all infrastructure and academic facilities. The environment inside of nhce is study oriented and staffs are very reactive towards students doubts and queries.

Pradip K . R Bhowmik

Valuable feedback regarding the academics given by the faculty has help to guide and for improving in the studies in future.