Allen Christopher dias

Very good initiation with parents also giving frequent updates from your staff being very useful.


College is very good in supporting and meeting all the needs of students . College is having very well qualified and supportive teaching faculty. College is giving encouragement in different areas of interest of students by providing facilities backed by faculty support.


College is very good in supporting and meeting all the needs of students . College is having very well qualified and supportive teaching faculty. College is giving encouragement in different areas of interest of students by providing facilities backed by faculty support.


Interacted with class teacher mr Rajendra really satisfied with the communicating with the faculty members . I am to take care of my ward yaswant K. Good environment  in the campus also the college provides carrier development opportunities to the students.

V. Shobha Devi

New Horizon College provides good opportunity for students to excel in both academic and co- curricular activities. Support provided by all faculties in civil department was appreciable, continues care taken by staff towards students in extraordinary.

M. Prathapa Reddy

College is very good in supporting and meeting all the needs of students. College is having very well qualified and supportive teaching faculty. Even the department is giving encouragement in different areas of interest of students by providing facilities backed by faculty support.